The best place to start when starting a weight management strategy for your cat is to understand what an ideal cat body should look like. This is easily done by employing a “healthy hug” way of assessing body condition. In the healthy hug, the ribs, backbone and pelvis should be easily felt but not seen and a tucked waist should be noted when viewing your cat from both above and the side. The healthy hug takes into account both frame size and degrees of coat fluffiness. The next step is to get a current weight and record it (so we can keep track of progress). If you happen to have a Wii Fit Plus®, use it to create a pet Mii as a fun way to keep track. Based on the healthy hug and body weight you, your cat is given a body condition score. The BCS is used to approximate % of obesity just as the Body Mass Index (BMI) is used in people.